Aus Radreise-Wiki
Version vom 14. Juni 2014, 19:20 Uhr von Maze (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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/* rounded look */ #content { border-radius: 1em 0 0 1em; } div.pBody { border-left:none; border-radius: 0 1em 1em 0; } #p-personal ul { border: 1px solid #60c658; line-height: 1em; padding: 0 1em .3em 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 1em; float:right; border-top:none; border-right:none; } #p-personal li { border-right:1px dotted #aaa; margin: 0; } #p-personal li a { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); border-radius: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em; } #p-personal a { padding: .5em; } #p-cactions li.selected { border-color: #60c658; } #p-cactions ul li, #p-cactions ul li a { border-radius: 1em 1em 0 0; } /* namespace backgrounds: main->white project->green other->blue */ #content { background: #f5f5ff; } .ns-0 * #content, .ns-1 * #content, .ns-14 * #content, .ns-15 * #content, .ns-100 * #content { background: white; } .ns-4 * #content, .ns-5 * #content { background: #f5fff5; } #p-cactions li a, #p-cactions li a:hover, #p-cactions li.selected a { background-color: #f5f5ff; } .ns-0 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-0 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-0 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-1 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-1 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-1 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-14 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-14 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-14 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-15 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-15 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-15 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-100 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-100 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-100 * #p-cactions li.selected a { background-color: white; } .ns-4 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-4 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-4 * #p-cactions li.selected a, .ns-5 * #p-cactions li a, .ns-5 * #p-cactions li a:hover, .ns-5 * #p-cactions li.selected a { background-color: #f5fff5; } div.thumb { border-color: #f5f5ff; } .ns-0 * div.thumb, .ns-1 * div.thumb, .ns-14 * div.thumb, .ns-15 * div.thumb, .ns-100 * div.thumb { border-color: white; } .ns-4 * div.thumb, .ns-5 * div.thumb { border-color: #f5fff5; } #article, #bodyContent, #bodyContent h1, #bodyContent h2 { /* text-align: justify; */ } .editsection { font-size:90%; padding-top:.5em; } /* color of interwiki links */ #bodyContent a.extiw, #bodyContent a.extiw:active { color: #2070ff; } /* interwiki symbol for Wikivoyage */ #bodyContent a[href^="http://wikivoyage"].extiw { background:url(/skins/Radreise/external_wv.png) center right no-repeat; padding-right:13px; } #footer { border-color: #60c658; margin: .8em 0 1em 0; } #f-poweredbyico, #f-copyrightico { top: -4px; } #imprintContact { background:url(/skins/Radreise/imehladrezz-m.jpg) center no-repeat; width: 172px; } /* put scrollbar on pre sections instead of ugly cutoff/overlap in firefox */ pre { overflow: auto; } * > html #p-cactions li.selected a { border-color: #60c658; } /* This is our standard table */ table.prettytable { margin:1em 1em 1em 0; background:#f9f9f9; border:1px #aaa solid; border-collapse:collapse; } table.prettytable th, table.prettytable td { border:1px #aaa solid; padding:0.2em; } table.prettytable th { background:#f2f2f2; text-align:center; } table.prettytable caption { margin-left:inherit; margin-right:inherit; } /* extra classes */ .box { border:1px solid silver; margin:10px 10px 0px 0px; border-radius: 1em; margin-bottom:5px; overflow:auto; } .box h3 { margin:0px; padding:2px 6px; background:#f5f5f5; } .box p { padding:0px 8px; } .box a.image { outline:none; margin-right:5px; } /* special table of contents for radfernwege */ #toc_radweg { clear:right; } #toc_radweg #toc .toclevel-2 { background:url(/skins/Radreise/from_to.gif) no-repeat; float:left; margin-right:4px; margin-left:4px; padding-left:20px; } #toc_radweg #toc .toclevel-2 .tocnumber { display:none; } #toc_radweg #toc .toclevel-1 { clear:left; } /* include the VML namespace for GoogleMaps to work */ v\:* { behavior:url(#default#VML); } .small { font-size:88%; } /* For printing: No expanding of geolinks */ #content a[href^=""].external.text:after { content:""; }