
Aus Radreise-Wiki
Version vom 26. Mai 2011, 06:56 Uhr von Jmages (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Das Perl-Skript overview.pl generiert ein KML-File in dem alle Tracks des Hauptnetzes enthalten sind. Die Tracks werden ohne Punktereduzierung übernommen, sodaß die Datei recht umfangreich wird. Von GoogleEarth kann sie jedoch noch verarbeitet werden. Mit der Overview.kml Datei kann bei neue Strecken gut überprüft werden, ob sie ins Hauptnetz passen und wie die Anschlüsse zu legen sind.

 use strict;
 # Encoding Stuff
 use Encode qw(encode decode);
 my $encUTF8 = 'utf-8';  # UTF-8
 my $encDOS  = 'cp850' ; # DOS Fenster
 my $encAnsi = 'cp1252'; # Windows Ansi
 my $encOut  = $encDOS;
 use CGI; my $cgi = new CGI;
 # Default Directories
 require "ini.pl";
 my ($baseDir, $outDir, $username, $password) = getIni();
 my $selectedType;
 if ($ARGV[0]) {
 	$selectedType = $ARGV[0];
 } else {
 	$selectedType = "H";
 # ==================
 # Reading RouteList
 my @routeList;
 open FIN, "$baseDir/RouteList.txt" or die "$! : $baseDir/RouteList.txt";
 while (<FIN>) { push @routeList, decode $encUTF8, $_; }
 close (FIN);
 my @routeFile               = ();
 my @Fluss_Radfernweg        = ();
 my @Anderer_Radfernweg      = ();
 my @Querverbindung          = ();
 my @Radweit_Strecke         = ();
 my @Regionaler_Radwanderweg = ();
 my $routeName;
 my $routeFileName;
 my $routeURL;
 my $category;
 my $counter;
 foreach my $line (@routeList) {
 	(my $dateTXT, my $dateKML, my $type, $routeName, $routeURL) = split " :: ", $line;
 	if ($type eq $selectedType) {
 		$counter ++;
 		$routeFileName = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
 		# ==================
 		# Reading Trackfile
 		print encode $encDOS, "Reading Trackfile : $routeFileName\n";
 		open FIN, "$baseDir/tracks/$routeFileName.txt" or die "$! : $baseDir/tracks/$routeFileName.txt";
 		my $track = <FIN>;
 		close (FIN);
 		# =================
 		# Reading Textfile
 		print encode $encDOS, "Reading Textfile  : $routeFileName\n";
 		my $content;
 		open FILE, "$baseDir/text/$routeFileName.txt" or die "$baseDir/text/$routeFileName.txt: $!";
 		while (<FILE>) { $content .= decode $encUTF8, $_; }
 		close FILE;
 		# =============
 		# Check Layout
 		if ($content !~ /
 			\n==\ Roadbook\ ==\n
 			\n==\ GPS-Tracks\ ==\n
 				Anderer\ Radfernweg|
 				Regionaler\ Radwanderweg|
 				Routenplaner\ Testroute|
 			/xs) {
 			print encode $encDOS, "Chapters in $routeName are not correct!\n"; 
 		$category = $1;
 		if (($category eq "Regionaler Radwanderweg") or 
 			($category eq "Streckenvorschlag") or
 			($category eq "Stadtrundfahrt") or
 			($category eq "Fernroute")
 			) {
 			$category = "Anderer Radfernweg";
 		# =============
 		# Get Roadbook
 		my $pre_Roadbook;
 		my $Roadbook;
 		my $post_Roadbook;
 		if ( $content =~ /(.*?== Roadbook ==.*?)(===.*?)(\n== .*)/s ) {
 			$pre_Roadbook  = $1;
 			$Roadbook      = $2;
 			$post_Roadbook = $3;
 		} else { die "Wrong Roadbook Format\n"; }
 		my @Roadbook = split "\n", $Roadbook;
 		# ===============
 		# Get Placemarks
 		my @content   = split "\n", $content;
 		@routeFile = ();
 		push @routeFile, "	<name>$routeName</name>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	<Metadata>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<![CDATA[<!--$routeURL-->]]>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	</Metadata>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	<open>0</open>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	<Placemark>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<name>$routeName GPS-Track</name>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<description>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			<![CDATA[<a href=\"http://radreise-wiki.de/$routeURL\">Wiki</a>]]> \n";
 		push @routeFile, "		</description>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<Style>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			<LineStyle>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "				<color>ffff00ff</color>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "				<width>2</width>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			</LineStyle>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		</Style>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<LineString>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			<tessellate>1</tessellate>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			<coordinates>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "				$track\n";
 		push @routeFile, "			</coordinates>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		</LineString>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	</Placemark>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "	<Folder>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<name>Orte</name>\n";
 		push @routeFile, "		<open>0</open>\n";
 		my $roadBook   = 0;
 		my $place      = 0;
 		my $touri      = 0;
 		my $geo        = 0;
 		my $lon        = 0;
 		my $lat        = 0;
 		my $alt        = 0;
 		my $road       = 0;
 		my $kilo       = 0;
 		my $placeName  = "";
 		my %placeName  = ();
 		my $touriInfo  = "";
 		my $geoData    = "";
 		my $roadInfo   = "";
 		my $kilometer  = "";
 		foreach my $line (@content) {
 			# Last Placemark is finished, Roadbook is finished
 			if (($roadBook) and ($line =~ /^== .* ==$/)) {
 				# Status-Übersicht
 				if ($touriInfo ne "") { $touri = 1; }
 				if ($roadInfo  ne "") { $road  = 1; }
 				my $placeNameURL = $cgi->escape($placeName);
 				$placeNameURL    =~ s/\%20/\_/g;
 				$placeNameURL    =~ s/\%/\./g;
 				if ($placeName{$placeName} > 1) {
 					$placeNameURL .= "_$placeName{$placeName}";
 				push @routeFile, "		<Placemark>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "			<name>$placeName</name>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "			<visibility>0</visibility>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "			<description>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "				<![CDATA[<a id=\"$touri-$road\" href=\"http://radreise-wiki.de/$routeURL#$placeNameURL\">$routeName</a>]]> \n";
 				push @routeFile, "			</description>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "			<Point>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "				<coordinates>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "					$lon,$lat,$alt\n";
 				push @routeFile, "				</coordinates>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "			</Point>\n";
 				push @routeFile, "		</Placemark>\n";
 				$roadBook  = 0;
 				$place     = 0;
 				$touri     = 0;
 				$geo       = 0;
 				$lon       = 0;
 				$lat       = 0;
 				$alt       = 0;
 				$road      = 0;
 				$kilo      = 0;
 				$placeName  = "";
 				%placeName  = ();
 				$touriInfo  = "";
 				$geoData    = "";
 				$roadInfo   = "";
 				$kilometer  = "";
 			# Start of Roadbook
 			} elsif ($line =~ /^== Roadbook ==$/) {
 				$roadBook = 1;
 			# A new Place within the Roadbook
 			} elsif ($roadBook and ($line =~ /^=== (.*) ===$/)) {
 				if ($place and not $kilo) {
 					print "   No Kilometers: $routeName :: $placeName\n";
 				# Save previous place
 				if ($place) {
 					# Status-Übersicht
 					if ($touriInfo ne "") { $touri = 1; }
 					if ($roadInfo  ne "") { $road  = 1; }
 					my $placeNameURL = $cgi->escape($placeName);
 					$placeNameURL    =~ s/\%20/\_/g;
 					$placeNameURL    =~ s/\%/\./g;
 					if ($placeName{$placeName} > 1) {
 						$placeNameURL .= "_$placeName{$placeName}";
 					push @routeFile, "		<Placemark>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "			<name>$placeName</name>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "			<visibility>0</visibility>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "			<description>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "				<![CDATA[<a id=\"$touri-$road\" href=\"http://radreise-wiki.de/$routeURL#$placeNameURL\">$routeName</a>]]> \n";
 					push @routeFile, "			</description>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "			<Point>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "				<coordinates>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "					$lon,$lat,$alt\n";
 					push @routeFile, "				</coordinates>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "			</Point>\n";
 					push @routeFile, "		</Placemark>\n";
 				$place     = 1;
 				$touri     = 0;
 				$geo       = 0;
 				$lon       = 0;
 				$lat       = 0;
 				$alt       = 0;
 				$road      = 0;
 				$kilo      = 0;
 				$placeName  = $1;
 				if (defined $placeName{$placeName}) {
 				} else {
 					$placeName{$placeName} = 1;
 				$touriInfo  = "";
 				$geoData    = "";
 				$roadInfo   = "";
 				$kilometer  = "";
 			# Geodata within the Placemark
 			} elsif ($place and ($line =~ /^{{Geodaten\|(.*)}}$/)) {
 				$geo     = 1;
 				$geoData = $1;
 				if ($geoData =~ /^([-]?\d+\.\d+)\|([-]?\d+\.\d+)\|([-]?\d+)\|([^\|]+)$/) {
 					$lat  = $1;
 					$lon  = $2;
 					$alt  = $3;
 				} else {
 					print "Error in Geodata: $geoData\n";
 			# Kilometrierung within Placemark
 			} elsif ($place and ($line =~ /^{{Kilometrierung\|(.*)}}$/)) {
 				if (not $geo) {
 					print "No Coordinates: $routeName :: $placeName\n";
 				if ($kilo) {
 					print "   Multiple Kilometers: $routeName :: $placeName\n";
 				$kilo      = 1;
 				$kilometer = $1;
 			# KilometrierungHm within Placemark
 			} elsif ($place and ($line =~ /^{{KilometrierungHm\|(.*)}}$/)) {
 				if (not $geo) {
 					print "No Coordinates: $routeName :: $placeName\n";
 				if ($kilo) {
 					print "   Multiple Kilometers: $routeName :: $placeName\n";
 				$kilo      = 1;
 				$kilometer = $1;
 			# Empty Line
 			} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
 			} elsif ($line =~ /<br style="clear:both" \/>/) {
 			} elsif ($line =~ /\[\[Bild/) {
 			} elsif ($place and not $geo and not $kilo) {
 				$touriInfo .= "$line\n";
 			} elsif ($place and $geo and not $kilo) {
 				$roadInfo .= "$line\n";
 		print "\n";
 	} # if ($type eq "H") {
 } # foreach my $line (@routeList) {
 print "$counter Files read.\n\n";
 # ==============================
 # Generieren des Overview-Files
 print "Saving Overview.kml File\n";
 my   @rfwAllFile = ();
 push @rfwAllFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "<kml xmlns=\"http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2\">\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "<Document>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<name>Radfernwege im Radreise-Wiki</name>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<open>1</open>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<name>Fluss-Radfernweg</name>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<open>0</open>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, @Fluss_Radfernweg;
 push @rfwAllFile, "	</Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<name>Anderer Radfernweg</name>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<open>0</open>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, @Anderer_Radfernweg;
 push @rfwAllFile, "	</Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<name>Querverbindung</name>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<open>0</open>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, @Querverbindung;
 push @rfwAllFile, "	</Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "	<Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<name>Direktverbindung</name>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "		<open>0</open>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, @Radweit_Strecke;
 push @rfwAllFile, "	</Folder>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "</Document>\n";
 push @rfwAllFile, "</kml>\n";
 my $content = "";
 foreach my $line (@rfwAllFile) {
 	$content .= $line;
 &saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$baseDir/", "Overview.kml", encode ($encUTF8, $content), 1);
 sub saveRouteFile {
 	if ($routeName ne "") {
 		push @routeFile, "	</Folder>\n";
 		my   @routeFileAll = ();
 		push @routeFileAll, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
 		push @routeFileAll, "<kml xmlns=\"http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2\">\n";
 		push @routeFileAll, "<Document>\n";
 		push @routeFileAll, @routeFile;
 		push @routeFileAll, "</Document>\n";
 		push @routeFileAll, "</kml>\n";
 		my $content = "";
 		foreach my $line (@routeFileAll) {
 			$content .= $line;
 		$content =~ s/id="0-0" //gs;
 		$content =~ s/id="0-1" //gs;
 		$content =~ s/id="1-0" //gs;
 		$content =~ s/id="1-1" //gs;
 		print encode $encOut, "Saving KML-File   : $routeName\n";
 		&saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$baseDir/kml/", "$routeFileName.kml", encode ($encUTF8, $content), 1);
 		if      ($category eq "Fluss-Radfernweg") {
 			push @Fluss_Radfernweg, "	<Folder>\n";
 			push @Fluss_Radfernweg, @routeFile;
 			push @Fluss_Radfernweg, "	</Folder>\n";
 		} elsif ($category eq "Anderer Radfernweg") {
 			push @Anderer_Radfernweg, "	<Folder>\n";
 			push @Anderer_Radfernweg, @routeFile;
 			push @Anderer_Radfernweg, "	</Folder>\n";
 		} elsif ($category eq "Querverbindung") {
 			push @Querverbindung, "	<Folder>\n";
 			push @Querverbindung, @routeFile;
 			push @Querverbindung, "	</Folder>\n";
 		} elsif ($category eq "Direktverbindung") {
 			push @Radweit_Strecke, "	<Folder>\n";
 			push @Radweit_Strecke, @routeFile;
 			push @Radweit_Strecke, "	</Folder>\n";
 		} elsif ($category eq "Regionaler Radwanderweg") {
 			@Regionaler_Radwanderweg = ();
 		} elsif ($category eq "Routenplaner Testroute") {
 			# do nothing
 		} else {
 			print "Error: No matching Category: $category\n";
 use Digest::MD5;
 use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
 sub saveFileIfChangedOrNew {
 	(my $path, my $fileName, my $file, my $kmz) = @_;
 	if (open(FILE, "< $path$fileName")) {
 		my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
 		while (<FILE>) {
 		my $md5_old = $md5->hexdigest;
 		$md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
 		my $md5_new = $md5->hexdigest;
 		unless ($md5_old eq $md5_new) {
 			print encode $encOut, "****************** Overwriting file $fileName ******************\n";
 			open  FT,"> $path$fileName";
 			print FT $file;
 			close FT;
 			if ($kmz) {
 				my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
 				$fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/;
 				unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$outDir/$fileName") == AZ_OK ) {
 				   die 'write error';
 	} else {
 		print encode $encOut, "****************** Creating new file $fileName ******************\n";
 		open  FT,"> $path$fileName";
 		print FT $file;
 		close FT;
 		if ($kmz) {
 			my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
 			$fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/;
 			unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$outDir/$fileName") == AZ_OK ) {
 			   die 'write error';