Radreise-Wiki:Route-Management.pl: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Radreise-Wiki
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:

'''Quellcode des Skripts:'''
'''Quellcode des Skripts:'''
  use strict;
  use strict;
Zeile 69: Zeile 70:
  use Encode qw(encode decode);
  use Encode qw(encode decode);
my $encoding = 'utf-8';
my $encAnsi  = 'cp1252'; # Windows Ansi
my $encOut  = 'cp850' ; # DOS Fenster
use URI::Escape qw( uri_escape_utf8 );
Zeile 79: Zeile 76:
  my %month = qw (Jan 01 Feb 02 Mär 03 Apr 04 Mai 05 Jun 06 Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Okt 10 Nov 11 Dez 12);
  my %month = qw (Jan 01 Feb 02 Mär 03 Apr 04 Mai 05 Jun 06 Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Okt 10 Nov 11 Dez 12);
  # Important Paths and Files
  # Default Settings
  require "ini.pl";
  require "ini.pl";
  my ($baseDir, $outDir, $username, $password) = getIni();
  my ($baseDir, $outDir, $username, $password, $encoding, $encAnsi, $encOut) = getIni();
  my $dir_txt  = "$baseDir/text";
  my $dir_txt  = "$baseDir/text";
Zeile 126: Zeile 123:
  # Load Routelist from File
  # Load Routelist from File
  print "\nGetting Content from File: $listFile\n";
  print "\nReading $listFile\n";
  my $content;
  my $content;
Zeile 141: Zeile 138:
  (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})  # mtime of kmz-File
  (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})  # mtime of kmz-File
  \ ::\  
  \ ::\  
  ([H|h|R|L|X])# Type
  ([H|h|R|L|X])                                     # Type
  \ ::\  
  \ ::\  
  (.*)     # Routename
  (.*)                                               # Routename
  $/x) {
  $/x) {
Zeile 166: Zeile 163:
  my $routeFileName = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
  my $routeFileName = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
my $urlstring  = uri_escape_utf8($routeFileName);
$urlstring =~ s/%20/\_/g;
$urlstring =~ s/\(/%28/g;
$urlstring =~ s/\)/%29/g;
$urlstring =~ s/\'/%27/g;
my $routeURL = $urlstring;
  my $touch     = 0;
my $routeURL = encodeRouteNameURL($routeFileName);
  my $touch = 0;
  if ( $updateDates ) {
  if ( $updateDates ) {
Zeile 414: Zeile 407:
  my $routeName = $route[$i][0];
  my $routeName = $route[$i][0];
  my $routeOut  = encode $encOut,  $routeName;
  my $routeOut  = encode $encOut,  $routeName;
  my $routeFile = encode 'cp1252', $routeName;
  my $routeFile = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
  my $routeURL  = $route[$i][1];
  my $routeURL  = $route[$i][1];
  my $touch    = $route[$i][4];
  my $touch    = $route[$i][4];
Zeile 449: Zeile 442:
  my $ucontent = "";
  my $ucontent = "";
  open FILE, encode 'cp1252', "$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.kml" or die $!;
  open FILE, encode $encAnsi, "$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.kml" or die $!;
  while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
  while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
  close FILE;
  close FILE;
Zeile 482: Zeile 475:
  # Update local Routefiles from Wiki if touch-Flag is set
  # Update local Routefiles from Wiki if touch-Flag is set
  printf "%3d: Saving %s\n", $i+1, $routeOut;
  printf "%3d: Trying to update %s\n", $i+1, $routeOut;
Zeile 506: Zeile 499:
  # External Call. Exit Code : 0 - No Change, 1 - KML-File Changed
  # External Call. Exit Code : 0 - No Change, 1 - KML-File Changed
  my $result = system("perl makeKML.pl $routeFile");
  my $result = system("perl makeKML.pl $routeFile");
if (!$result) {
print "  No changes in KML-File\n\n";
} else {
print "\n";
  } else {
  } else {
  die "URL is not existent: $routeURL\n";
  die "URL not found: $routeURL\n";
Zeile 521: Zeile 520:
  my $ucontent = "";
  my $ucontent = "";
  open FILE, encode 'cp1252', "$dir_txt/$routeName\.txt" or die $!;
  open FILE, encode $encAnsi, "$dir_txt/$routeName\.txt" or die $!;
  while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
  while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
  close FILE;
  close FILE;
Zeile 578: Zeile 577:
  #print encode 'cp850', "  Saving $routeName\n";
  #print encode 'cp850', "  Saving $routeName\n";
  open  FOUT, encode 'cp1252', "> $savePath/$routeName.txt" or die $!;
  open  FOUT, encode $encAnsi, "> $savePath/$routeName.txt" or die $!;
  print FOUT encode ($encoding, $newContent);
  print FOUT encode ($encoding, $newContent);
  close FOUT;
  close FOUT;
Zeile 604: Zeile 603:
  } else {
  } else {
sub saveFileIfChangedOrNew {
(my $path, my $fileName, my $file, my $kmz) = @_;
my $change = 0;
if (open(FILE, "< $path$fileName")) {
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
while (<FILE>) {
my $md5_old = $md5->hexdigest;
$md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $md5_new = $md5->hexdigest;
unless ($md5_old eq $md5_new) {
$change = 1;
print encode 'cp850', "****************** Overwriting File $fileName ******************\n";
open  FT,"> $path$fileName";
print FT $file;
close FT;
if ($kmz) {
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
$fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/;
unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$path$fileName") == AZ_OK ) {
  die 'write error';
} else {
$change = 1;
print encode 'cp850', "****************** Creating new file $fileName ******************\n";
open  FT,"> $path$fileName";
print FT $file;
close FT;
if ($kmz) {
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
$fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/;
unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$path$fileName") == AZ_OK ) {
  die 'write error';
return $change;

Version vom 9. September 2011, 18:16 Uhr

Das Perl-Skript Route-Management.pl enthält eine Vielzahl von Funktionen zur Wiki-Verwaltung. Beim Aufruf muss eine 6-stellige Binärzahl übergeben werden, die diese Funktionen kodiert. Die wichtigsten Anwendungen sind:

  • 0101000 Aktualisiere die kürzlich geänderten Streckendateien
  • 0011000 Lade alle Streckendateien herunter
  • 0010100 Lade alle Trackdateien herunter

Für die Einrichtung der Verwaltungssoftware sind die letzten zwei Funktionen wichtig. Im laufenden Betrieb ist es die erste Funktion.

Beispiel für einen Programmstart zum Update der Streckendateien:

perl Route-Management.pl 0101000

Quellcode des Skripts:

 use strict;
 my $flags;
 if ($ARGV[0]) {
 	$flags = $ARGV[0];
 } else {
 	$flags = "0101000";
 my @flags = split //, $flags;
 # Control-Flags
 # 0101000 Update only recently changed Routefiles
 # 0011000 Update all Routefiles
 # 0010100 Update all Trackfiles
 # 0010010 Modify all Routefiles
 # 0010011 Modify and upload all Routefiles
 my $updateDates     = $flags[0]; # 1 = Read all Route- and KMZ-History Pages and update Listfile Dates
 my $updateRecent    = $flags[1]; # 1 = Only update Routefiles from Wiki Recent Changes Page
                                  # 0 = Update all Routefiles
 my $updateAllRoutes = $flags[2]; # 1 = Treat all Routefiles
                                  # 0 = Only treat touched Routefiles
 my $updateRoutes    = $flags[3]; # 1 = Update Routefiles from Wiki
                                  # 0 = Do not update Routefiles
 my $updateAllKMZ    = $flags[4]; # 1 = Update KMZ Files from Wiki and extract the KML content
 my $modify          = $flags[5]; # 1 = Modify Routefiles
 my $upload          = $flags[6]; # 1 = Upload modified Routefiles to Wiki
 # Import Date Library
 use Date::Calc qw (Date_to_Time Time_to_Date);
 # MD5 Checksum und Zip-Funktionalität
 use Digest::MD5  qw(md5_hex);
 use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
 # Encoding Stuff
 use Encode qw(encode decode);
 # Hash for Months
 my %month = qw (Jan 01 Feb 02 Mär 03 Apr 04 Mai 05 Jun 06 Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Okt 10 Nov 11 Dez 12);
 # Default Settings
 require "ini.pl";
 my ($baseDir, $outDir, $username, $password, $encoding, $encAnsi, $encOut) = getIni();
 my $dir_txt  = "$baseDir/text";
 my $dir_kmz  = "$baseDir/kmz";
 my $savePath = "$baseDir/upload";
 my $listFile = "RouteList.txt";
 my $mech;             # Handle for mechanize-Browser
 my $changesTxt  = 0;  # One or more Routefiles have changed
 my $changesKmz  = 0;  # One or more KMZfiles have changed
 my @route    = ();    # Stores all Infos about Routes
 my @routeNew = ();    # Keeps all new Infos for Saving
 if ($updateDates or $updateRecent or $updateRoutes or $upload or $updateAllKMZ) {
 	# Initialisieren von Mechanize-Browser und Cookie-Jar
 	use WWW::Mechanize;
 	use HTTP::Cookies;
 	$mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );
 	$mech->agent_alias( 'Windows Mozilla' );
 	my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "cookies.txt", autosave => 1 );
 	# Einloggen ins Radreise-Wiki um in den Edit-Modus zu kommen
 	$mech->field("wpName", $username);
 	$mech->field("wpPassword", $password);
 	$mech->tick('wpRemember', '1');
 # Load Routelist from File
 print "\nReading $listFile\n";
 my $content;
 open FIN, "$baseDir/$listFile" or die $!;
 while (<FIN>) {
 	my $line = decode $encoding, $_;
 	if ($line =~ /^
 		(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})   # mtime of txt-File
 		\ ::\ 
 		(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})   # mtime of kmz-File
 		\ ::\ 
 		([H|h|R|L|X])                                      # Type
 		\ ::\ 
 		(.*)                                               # Routename
 		$/x) {
 		my $year      =  $1;
 		my $month     =  $2;
 		my $day       =  $3;
 		my $hour      =  $4;
 		my $min       =  $5;
 		my $sec       =  $6;
 		my $year_kmz  =  $7;
 		my $month_kmz =  $8;
 		my $day_kmz   =  $9;
 		my $hour_kmz  = $10;
 		my $min_kmz   = $11;
 		my $sec_kmz   = $12;
 		my $type      = $13;
 		next if ($type eq "X");
 		my $routeName = $14;
 		my $routeFileName = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
 		my $routeURL = encodeRouteNameURL($routeFileName);
 		my $touch = 0;
 		if ( $updateDates ) {
 			# Check Route- and KMZ-History Sites in Wiki
 			my $website = $mech->content;
 			my @website = split "\n", $website;
 			foreach my $l (@website) {
 				if ($l =~ />(\d{2}):(\d{2}), (\d{1,2})\. (\w{3}) (\d{4})</) {
 					$hour  = $1;
 					$min   = $2;
 					$sec   =  0;
 					$day   = $3;
 					$month = $month{$4};
 					$year  = $5;
 			my $website = $mech->content;
 			my @website = split "\n", $website;
 			foreach my $l (@website) {
 				if ($l =~ />(\d{2}):(\d{2}), (\d{1,2})\. (\w{3}) (\d{4}).*?\"Benutzer:(.*?)\"/) {
 					$hour_kmz  = $1;
 					$min_kmz   = $2;
 					$sec_kmz   = 0;
 					$day_kmz   = $3;
 					$month_kmz = $month{$4};
 					$year_kmz  = $5;
 					my $user   = $6;
 					print encode $encOut, "   $user : $routeName.kmz\n";
 		my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%s-%02d %s:%s:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s\n", 
 			$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec,
 			$year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz,
 		my $mtime_txt = Date_to_Time ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec);
 		my $mtime_kmz = Date_to_Time ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz);
 		my @zeile = ( $routeName, $routeURL, $mtime_txt, $mtime_kmz, $touch, $type );
 		my $ref_zeile = \@zeile;
 		push @route   , $ref_zeile;
 		push @routeNew, $routeNew;
 	} else {
 		die "No Match in Line: $line\n";
 close (FIN);
 print "\n   ", $#route + 1, " Routes in List\n\n";
 if ( $updateRecent ) {
 	# Checking for recently changed Routes
 	print "Checking for recently changed Routes\n\n";
 	my $website = $mech->content;
 	my @website = split "\n", $website;
 	my $day;
 	my $month;
 	my $year;
 	foreach my $line (@website) {
 		if ($line =~ /<h4>(\d{1,2})\. (\w+) (\d{4})<\/h4>/) {
 			$day   = $1;
 			$month = $month{$2};
 			$year  = $3;
 		} elsif ($line =~ /<li>.*? title=\"([^\"]*)\".*?<\/a>; (\d{2}):(\d{2}) \. \. .*?title=\"Benutzer:(.*?)\".*?<\/li>/) {
 			my $title = $1;
 			my $hour  = $2;
 			my $min   = $3;
 			my $sec   = 0;
 			my $usr   = $4;
 			my $mtime = Date_to_Time ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec);
 			for (my $j=0; $j<=$#route; $j++) {
 				if ( ! $route[$j][4] and ($route[$j][0] eq $title) and ($mtime > $route[$j][2]) ) {
 					$route[$j][4] = 1;
 					$changesTxt   = 1;
 					print encode $encOut, "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min : Update for $title ($usr)\n";
 					my ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz) = Time_to_Date($route[$j][3]);
 					my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s\n", 
 						$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec,
 						$year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz,
 					$routeNew[$j] = $routeNew;
 	if ($changesTxt) {
 		print "\n";
 	} else {
 		print "   No Changes\n\n";
 	# Checking for recently changed KMZ-Files
 	print "Checking for recently changed KMZ-Files\n\n";
 	my $website = $mech->content;
 	my @website = split "\n", $website;
 	foreach my $line (@website) {
 		if ($line =~ /
 				(\d{2}):(\d{2}),\ (\d{1,2})\.\ (\w{3})\ (\d{4})
 			/x) {
 			my $hour_kmz  = $1;
 			my $min_kmz   = $2;
 			my $sec_kmz   =  0;
 			my $day_kmz   = $3;
 			my $month_kmz = $month{$4};
 			my $year_kmz  = $5;
 			my $user      = $6;
 			my $route     = $7;
 			my $mtime = Date_to_Time ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz);
 			for (my $j=0; $j<=$#route; $j++) {
 				if ( ! $route[$j][4] and ($route[$j][0] eq $route) and ($mtime > $route[$j][3]) ) {
 					#$route[$j][4] = 1;
 					$changesKmz    = 1;
 					print encode $encOut, "$year_kmz-$month_kmz-$day_kmz $hour_kmz:$min_kmz : Update for $route.kmz ($user)\n";
 					my ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec) = Time_to_Date($route[$j][2]);
 					my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s\n", 
 						$year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec,
 						$year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz,
 						$route[$j][5], $route[$j][0];
 					$routeNew[$j] = $routeNew;
 	if ($changesTxt or $changesKmz or $updateDates) {
 		# Saving the new Listfile if changed
 		print "\n";
 		my $routeNew = join "", @routeNew;
 		saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$baseDir/", $listFile, encode $encoding, $routeNew, 0);
 		print "\n";
 	} else {
 		print "   No Changes\n\n";
 if ($updateAllRoutes) {
 	# Update all Routefiles
 	print "Updating all Routefiles\n\n";
 	for (my $i=0; $i<=$#route; $i++) {
 		$route[$i][4] = 1;
 # Parsing of all Files in List and modify, if wanted
 for (my $i=0; $i<=$#route; $i++) {
 	my $routeName = $route[$i][0];
 	my $routeOut  = encode $encOut,  $routeName;
 	my $routeFile = encode $encAnsi, $routeName;
 	my $routeURL  = $route[$i][1];
 	my $touch     = $route[$i][4];
 	my $type      = $route[$i][5];
 	if ($updateAllKMZ) {
 		# Update alle KMZ Files from Wiki
 		printf "%3d: Saving %s.kmz\n", $i+1, $routeOut;
 		$mech->get("http://www.radreise-wiki.de/images/$routeURL.kmz", ":content_file" => "$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kmz");
 		my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
 		my $status = $zip->read("$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kmz");
 		if ($status != AZ_OK) {
 			die "Error while reading KMZ file! $!";
 		} else {
 			my @members = $zip->memberNames();
 			if ($#members != 0) { die "Error: More than one File within kmz!\n"; }
 			print encode $encOut, "     Renaming $members[0] -> $routeFile.kml\n";
 			$zip->extractTree(undef, "$dir_kmz/");
 			rename("$dir_kmz/$members[0]","$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kml") || die "Error while Renaming File: $!";
 			my $ucontent = "";
 			open FILE, encode $encAnsi, "$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.kml" or die $!;
 			while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
 			close FILE;
 			my $content = decode $encoding, $ucontent;
 			if ($content =~ /<\/tessellate>\s*<coordinates>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/coordinates>/s) {
 				my $track = $1;
 				if ($track =~ /\n/) {
 					die "Error: Linebreak within Track\n";
 				print encode $encOut, "     Saving $routeFile.txt\n";
 				open FILE, ">$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.txt" or die $!;
 				print FILE $track;
 				close FILE;
 			} else {
 				print "   Error: No Match in $routeName\n";
 	if ($updateRoutes and $touch) {
 		# Update local Routefiles from Wiki if touch-Flag is set
 		printf "%3d: Trying to update %s\n", $i+1, $routeOut;
 		my $website = $mech->content;
 		# Gehe zum Editieren der Route
 		$mech->follow_link( url => "/index.php?title=$routeURL&action=edit" );
 		$website = $mech->content;
 		$website =~ /<textarea.*>(.*)<\/textarea>/s;
 		my $wikiText = $1;
 		$wikiText =~ s/</</g;
 		$wikiText =~ s/>/>/g;
 		$wikiText =~ s/"/\"/g;
 		$wikiText =~ s/&/\&/g;
 		if (length $wikiText > 1) {
 			&saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$dir_txt/", "$routeFile.txt", encode $encoding, $wikiText, 0);
 			# External Call. Exit Code : 0 - No Change, 1 - KML-File Changed
 			my $result = system("perl makeKML.pl $routeFile");
 			if (!$result) {
 				print "   No changes in KML-File\n\n";
 			} else {
 				print "\n";
 		} else {
 			die "URL not found: $routeURL\n";
 	my $newContent;
 	if ($modify) {
 		# Modify Routefile and save it to different directory
 		my $ucontent = "";
 		open FILE, encode $encAnsi, "$dir_txt/$routeName\.txt" or die $!;
 		while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; }
 		close FILE;
 		my $content = decode $encoding, $ucontent;
 		my $match_1 = "";
 		if ($content =~ /(Höhenmeter \(ab\) = [ 0-9\.]*\n)\}\}\n/) {
 			$match_1 = $1;
 		} else {
 			print "   Error: No Match in $routeName\n";
 		my $match_2 = "";
 		my $gegenrichtung = "Bild:Ohne Gegenrichtung.png";
 		if ($content =~ /(\n\{\{[RetT]+our\|[^\}].*\}\}\n)/) {
 			$match_2 = $1;
 			if ($match_2 =~ /\n\{\{[RetT]+our\|([^\}].*)\}\}\n/) {
 				$gegenrichtung = $1;
 			} else {
 				print "   Error: No Match in $routeName\n";
 		my $replace_1 = "$match_1\| Tour-/Retour-Link = $gegenrichtung\n";
 		$replace_1 =~ s/  / /;
 		$replace_1 =~ s/Höhenmeter/Höhenmexer/;
 		if ($content =~ s/\Q$match_1/$replace_1/) {
 		} else {
 			print "No Match\n";
 		$content =~ s/\Q$match_2//;
 		$content =~ s/ \n/\n/g;
 		$content =~ s/ \n/\n/g;
 		$content =~ s/ \n/\n/g;
 		$content =~ s/Höhenmexer/Höhenmeter/;
 		$newContent = $content;
 		#print encode 'cp850', "   Saving $routeName\n";
 		open  FOUT, encode $encAnsi, "> $savePath/$routeName.txt" or die $!;
 		print FOUT encode ($encoding, $newContent);
 		close FOUT;
 	if ($upload) {
 		print encode ('cp850', "   Uploading $routeName to $routeURL\n");
 		$mech->follow_link( url => "/index.php?title=$routeURL&action=edit" );
 		$mech->field( 'wpTextbox1', $newContent);
 		$mech->field( 'wpSummary' , "Test Wiki-Bot: Infobox Tour-/Retour-Link hinzugefügt" );
 if ($changesTxt) {
 } else {