Aus Radreise-Wiki
Version vom 25. Mai 2011, 08:27 Uhr von Jmages (Diskussion | Beiträge)
use strict; my $flags; if ($ARGV[0]) { $flags = $ARGV[0]; } else { $flags = "0101000"; } my @flags = split //, $flags; #========================= # Control-Flags # 0101000 Update only recently changed Routefiles # 0011000 Download all Routefiles # 0010100 Download all Trackfiles # 0010010 Modify all Routefiles # 0010011 Modify and upload all Routefiles my $updateDates = $flags[0]; # 1 = Read all Route- and KMZ-History Pages and update Listfile Dates my $updateRecent = $flags[1]; # 1 = Only update Routefiles from Wiki Recent Changes Page # 0 = Update all Routefiles my $updateAllRoutes = $flags[2]; # 1 = Treat all Routefiles # 0 = Only treat touched Routefiles my $updateRoutes = $flags[3]; # 1 = Update Routefiles from Wiki # 0 = Do not update Routefiles my $updateAllKMZ = $flags[4]; # 1 = Update KMZ Files from Wiki and extract the KML content my $modify = $flags[5]; # 1 = Modify Routefiles my $upload = $flags[6]; # 1 = Upload modified Routefiles to Wiki #===================== # Import Date Library use Date::Calc qw (Date_to_Time Time_to_Date); #===================================== # MD5 Checksum und Zip-Funktionalität use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); #================ # Encoding Stuff use Encode qw(encode decode); my $encoding = 'utf-8'; my $encOut; $encOut = 'cp1252'; # Windows Ansi $encOut = 'cp850' ; # DOS Fenster #================= # Hash for Months my %month = qw (Jan 01 Feb 02 Mär 03 Apr 04 Mai 05 Jun 06 Jul 07 Aug 08 Sep 09 Okt 10 Nov 11 Dez 12); #=========================== # Important Paths and Files require "ini.pl"; my ($baseDir, $outDir, $username, $password) = getIni(); my $dir_txt = "$baseDir/text"; my $dir_kmz = "$baseDir/kmz"; my $savePath = "$baseDir/upload"; my $listFile = "RouteList.txt"; my $mech; # Handle for mechanize-Browser my $changesTxt = 0; # One or more Routefiles have changed my $changesKmz = 0; # One or more KMZfiles have changed my @route = (); # Stores all Infos about Routes my @routeNew = (); # Keeps all new Infos for Saving if ($updateDates or $updateRecent or $updateRoutes or $upload or $updateAllKMZ) { #===================================================== # Initialisieren von Mechanize-Browser und Cookie-Jar use WWW::Mechanize; use HTTP::Cookies; $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); $mech->agent_alias( 'Windows Mozilla' ); my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "cookies.txt", autosave => 1 ); $mech->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); #============================================================ # Einloggen ins Radreise-Wiki um in den Edit-Modus zu kommen $mech->get("http://www.radreise-wiki.de/Spezial:Userlogin"); $mech->form_number('1'); $mech->field("wpName", $username); $mech->field("wpPassword", $password); $mech->tick('wpRemember', '1'); $mech->click(); } #========================== # Load Routelist from File print "\nGetting Content from File: $listFile\n"; my $content; open FIN, "$baseDir/$listFile" or die $!; while (<FIN>) { my $line = decode $encoding, $_; if ($line =~ /^ (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) # mtime of txt-File \ ::\ (\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\ (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) # mtime of kmz-File \ ::\ ([H|h|R])# Type \ ::\ (.*) # Routename \ ::\ (.*) # RouteURL $/x) { my $year = $1; my $month = $2; my $day = $3; my $hour = $4; my $min = $5; my $sec = $6; my $year_kmz = $7; my $month_kmz = $8; my $day_kmz = $9; my $hour_kmz = $10; my $min_kmz = $11; my $sec_kmz = $12; my $type = $13; my $routeName = $14; my $routeURL = $15; my $touch = 0; if ( $updateDates ) { #============================================ # Check Route- and KMZ-History Sites in Wiki $mech->get("http://radreise-wiki.de/index.php?title=$routeURL&action=history"); my $website = $mech->content; my @website = split "\n", $website; foreach my $l (@website) { if ($l =~ />(\d{2}):(\d{2}), (\d{1,2})\. (\w{3}) (\d{4})</) { $hour = $1; $min = $2; $sec = 0; $day = $3; $month = $month{$4}; $year = $5; last; } } $mech->get("http://radreise-wiki.de/Bild:$routeURL.kmz"); my $website = $mech->content; my @website = split "\n", $website; foreach my $l (@website) { if ($l =~ />(\d{2}):(\d{2}), (\d{1,2})\. (\w{3}) (\d{4}).*?\"Benutzer:(.*?)\"/) { $hour_kmz = $1; $min_kmz = $2; $sec_kmz = 0; $day_kmz = $3; $month_kmz = $month{$4}; $year_kmz = $5; my $user = $6; print encode $encOut, " $user : $routeName.kmz\n"; last; } } } my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%s-%02d %s:%s:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s :: %s\n", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz, $type, $routeName, $routeURL; my $mtime_txt = Date_to_Time ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec); my $mtime_kmz = Date_to_Time ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz); my @zeile = ( $routeName, $routeURL, $mtime_txt, $mtime_kmz, $touch, $type ); my $ref_zeile = \@zeile; push @route , $ref_zeile; push @routeNew, $routeNew; } else { die "No Match in Line: $line\n"; } } close (FIN); print "\n ", $#route + 1, " Routes in List\n\n"; if ( $updateRecent ) { #====================================== # Checking for recently changed Routes print "Checking for recently changed Routes\n\n"; $mech->get("http://radreise-wiki.de/index.php?limit=250&title=Spezial%3ARecentchanges&namespace=0&limit=500&days=30"); my $website = $mech->content; my @website = split "\n", $website; my $day; my $month; my $year; foreach my $line (@website) { if ($line =~ /<h4>(\d{1,2})\. (\w+) (\d{4})<\/h4>/) { $day = $1; $month = $month{$2}; $year = $3; } elsif ($line =~ /<li>.*? title=\"([^\"]*)\".*?<\/a>; (\d{2}):(\d{2}) \. \. .*?title=\"Benutzer:(.*?)\".*?<\/li>/) { my $title = $1; my $hour = $2; my $min = $3; my $sec = 0; my $usr = $4; my $mtime = Date_to_Time ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec); for (my $j=0; $j<=$#route; $j++) { if ( ! $route[$j][4] and ($route[$j][0] eq $title) and ($mtime > $route[$j][2]) ) { $route[$j][4] = 1; $changesTxt = 1; print encode $encOut, "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min : Update for $title ($usr)\n"; my ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz) = Time_to_Date($route[$j][3]); my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s :: %s\n", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz, $route[$j][5], $route[$j][0], $route[$j][1]; $routeNew[$j] = $routeNew; } } } } if ($changesTxt) { print "\n"; } else { print " No Changes\n\n"; } #========================================= # Checking for recently changed KMZ-Files print "Checking for recently changed KMZ-Files\n\n"; $mech->get("http://radreise-wiki.de/index.php?title=Spezial:Log&type=upload&user=&page=&limit=250&offset=0"); my $website = $mech->content; my @website = split "\n", $website; foreach my $line (@website) { if ($line =~ / <li> (\d{2}):(\d{2}),\ (\d{1,2})\.\ (\w{3})\ (\d{4}) .*? title=\"Benutzer:(.*?)\" .*? title=\"Bild:(.*?)\.kmz \".* <\/li> /x) { my $hour_kmz = $1; my $min_kmz = $2; my $sec_kmz = 0; my $day_kmz = $3; my $month_kmz = $month{$4}; my $year_kmz = $5; my $user = $6; my $route = $7; my $mtime = Date_to_Time ($year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz); for (my $j=0; $j<=$#route; $j++) { if ( ! $route[$j][4] and ($route[$j][0] eq $route) and ($mtime > $route[$j][3]) ) { #$route[$j][4] = 1; $changesKmz = 1; print encode $encOut, "$year_kmz-$month_kmz-$day_kmz $hour_kmz:$min_kmz : Update for $route.kmz ($user)\n"; my ($year,$month,$day, $hour,$min,$sec) = Time_to_Date($route[$j][2]); my $routeNew = sprintf "%s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d :: %s :: %s :: %s\n", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $year_kmz,$month_kmz,$day_kmz, $hour_kmz,$min_kmz,$sec_kmz, $route[$j][5], $route[$j][0], $route[$j][1]; $routeNew[$j] = $routeNew; } } } } if ($changesTxt or $changesKmz or $updateDates) { #==================================== # Saving the new Listfile if changed print "\n"; my $routeNew = join "", @routeNew; saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$baseDir/", $listFile, encode $encoding, $routeNew, 0); print "\n"; } else { print " No Changes\n\n"; } } if ($updateAllRoutes) { #======================= # Update all Routefiles print "Updating all Routefiles\n\n"; for (my $i=0; $i<=$#route; $i++) { $route[$i][4] = 1; } } #==================================================== # Parsing of all Files in List and modify, if wanted for (my $i=0; $i<=$#route; $i++) { my $routeName = $route[$i][0]; my $routeOut = encode $encOut, $routeName; my $routeFile = encode 'cp1252', $routeName; my $routeURL = $route[$i][1]; my $touch = $route[$i][4]; my $type = $route[$i][5]; if ($updateAllKMZ) { #================================= # Update alle KMZ Files from Wiki printf "%3d: Saving %s.kmz\n", $i+1, $routeOut; $mech->get("http://www.radreise-wiki.de/images/$routeURL.kmz", ":content_file" => "$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kmz"); my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); my $status = $zip->read("$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kmz"); if ($status != AZ_OK) { die "Error while reading KMZ file! $!"; } else { my @members = $zip->memberNames(); if ($#members != 0) { die "Error: More than one File within kmz!\n"; } print encode $encOut, " Renaming $members[0] -> $routeFile.kml\n"; $zip->extractTree(undef, "$dir_kmz/"); rename("$dir_kmz/$members[0]","$dir_kmz/$routeFile.kml") || die "Error while Renaming File: $!"; my $ucontent = ""; open FILE, encode 'cp1252', "$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.kml" or die $!; while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; } close FILE; my $content = decode $encoding, $ucontent; if ($content =~ /<\/tessellate>\s*<coordinates>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/coordinates>/s) { my $track = $1; if ($track =~ /\n/) { die "Error: Linebreak within Track\n"; } print encode $encOut, " Saving $routeFile.txt\n"; open FILE, ">$dir_kmz/$routeFile\.txt" or die $!; print FILE $track; close FILE; } else { print " Error: No Match in $routeName\n"; die; } } } if ($updateRoutes and $touch) { #======================================================== # Update local Routefiles from Wiki if touch-Flag is set printf "%3d: Saving %s\n", $i+1, $routeOut; $mech->get("http://www.radreise-wiki.de/$routeURL"); my $website = $mech->content; # Gehe zum Editieren der Route $mech->follow_link( url => "/index.php?title=$routeURL&action=edit" ); $website = $mech->content; $website =~ /<textarea.*>(.*)<\/textarea>/s; my $wikiText = $1; $wikiText =~ s/</</g; $wikiText =~ s/>/>/g; $wikiText =~ s/"/\"/g; $wikiText =~ s/&/\&/g; if (length $wikiText > 1) { &saveFileIfChangedOrNew ("$dir_txt/", "$routeFile.txt", encode $encoding, $wikiText, 0); # External Call. Exit Code : 0 - No Change, 1 - KML-File Changed my $result = system("perl makeKML.pl $routeFile"); } else { die "URL is not existent: $routeURL\n"; } } my $newContent; if ($modify) { #===================================================== # Modify Routefile and save it to different directory my $ucontent = ""; open FILE, encode 'cp1252', "$dir_txt/$routeName\.txt" or die $!; while (<FILE>) { $ucontent .= $_; } close FILE; my $content = decode $encoding, $ucontent; my $match_1 = ""; if ($content =~ /(Höhenmeter \(ab\) = [ 0-9\.]*\n)\}\}\n/) { $match_1 = $1; } else { print " Error: No Match in $routeName\n"; die; } my $match_2 = ""; my $gegenrichtung = "Bild:Ohne Gegenrichtung.png"; if ($content =~ /(\n\{\{[RetT]+our\|[^\}].*\}\}\n)/) { $match_2 = $1; if ($match_2 =~ /\n\{\{[RetT]+our\|([^\}].*)\}\}\n/) { $gegenrichtung = $1; } else { print " Error: No Match in $routeName\n"; die; } } my $replace_1 = "$match_1\| Tour-/Retour-Link = $gegenrichtung\n"; $replace_1 =~ s/ / /; $replace_1 =~ s/Höhenmeter/Höhenmexer/; if ($content =~ s/\Q$match_1/$replace_1/) { } else { print "No Match\n"; die; } $content =~ s/\Q$match_2//; $content =~ s/ \n/\n/g; $content =~ s/ \n/\n/g; $content =~ s/ \n/\n/g; $content =~ s/Höhenmexer/Höhenmeter/; $newContent = $content; #print encode 'cp850', " Saving $routeName\n"; open FOUT, encode 'cp1252', "> $savePath/$routeName.txt" or die $!; print FOUT encode ($encoding, $newContent); close FOUT; } if ($upload) { #========================================== # UPLOAD CHANGED TEXTFILES TO THE WIKI !!! print encode ('cp850', " Uploading $routeName to $routeURL\n"); $mech->get("http://www.radreise-wiki.de/$routeURL"); $mech->follow_link( url => "/index.php?title=$routeURL&action=edit" ); $mech->field( 'wpTextbox1', $newContent); $mech->field( 'wpSummary' , "Test Wiki-Bot: Infobox Tour-/Retour-Link hinzugefügt" ); $mech->submit; } } if ($changesTxt) { exit(1); } else { exit(0); } #======================================================= #======================================================= sub saveFileIfChangedOrNew { (my $path, my $fileName, my $file, my $kmz) = @_; my $change = 0; if (open(FILE, "< $path$fileName")) { my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; while (<FILE>) { $md5->add($_); } close(FILE); my $md5_old = $md5->hexdigest; $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->add($file); my $md5_new = $md5->hexdigest; unless ($md5_old eq $md5_new) { $change = 1; print encode 'cp850', "****************** Overwriting File $fileName ******************\n"; open FT,"> $path$fileName"; print FT $file; close FT; if ($kmz) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); $zip->addFile("$path$fileName",$fileName); $fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/; unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$path$fileName") == AZ_OK ) { die 'write error'; } } } } else { $change = 1; print encode 'cp850', "****************** Creating new file $fileName ******************\n"; open FT,"> $path$fileName"; print FT $file; close FT; if ($kmz) { my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); $zip->addFile("$path$fileName",$fileName); $fileName =~ s/\.kml/\.kmz/; unless ( $zip->writeToFileNamed("$path$fileName") == AZ_OK ) { die 'write error'; } } } return $change; }